Choose the best

Gym reference for fitness in Jesolo



Train and grow within a space created to make you the best version of you.

Equipped weight room a few steps from the sea.

Improve your lifestyle by building enviable habits.

Increase your strength

Develops muscle power. Overcome your limits, recommended by experts

Test your discipline

Begin a journey that will enrich your days. Stay focused towards your goals

Stay fit

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get more energy to get through your daily life at best

Weight room, equipment and environment

Images from our renovated gym.

Events and initiatives of Agorà Gym.

Our ideas developed for members.

Customised solutions.

Design a path based on concrete goals.

To keep you motivated and help you achieve your ambitions, big or small, we provide high-level tools and great professionalism.

  • State-of-the-art machinery.

    A 250 m2 room with quality equipment that helps reproduce the body’s natural movements during training. Discs, dumbbells and weights to meet the needs of professional bodybuilders.

  • Nutritional tabs

    Whether your goal is to lose weight or gain muscle mass, a professional will be able to show you the most suitable nutrition plan.

  • Customised Plans.

    A customised training plan, based on your lifestyle and needs, will help you achieve the desired results.

Customised Solutions

Design the you of the future with our help.

An efficient and personal training strategy, guided and controlled.

Agorà Gym’s personal trainers will develop an effective improvement path with you, motivating you and checking the quality of the exercise execution, saving you time.

How do you get stronger in the gym?

Good nutrition
Perfect exercise execution
Secret shortcuts and tricks
The right place

Train surrounded by bodybuilding professionals.

Agorà Gym is founded and frequented by Italian bodybuilding personalities.

A space in Jesolo dedicated to those who can never get away from the gym, even on holiday. The gym provides weights and equipment to satisfy the biggest and most demanding enthusiasts.

Discover the arena of your next challenges.

Experience of Agorà Gym members

In this place, even those who have never felt like lifting an ounce, find love for fitness. Here you’ll find competence and friendliness. I wish the gym I go to during the winter was like this!


Super friendly environment, Morris is super helpful in helping and correcting any imperfections in the exercises as well as recommending the best things in terms of nutrition according to the results you want to achieve. Very clean changing rooms, large showers and very hot water, which is not taken for granted given the energy costs. PS. Extraordinary opening hours, already at 6.30 a.m. you can train.


Perfect gym for bodybuilders and sports enthusiasts. A place where you come in to give your all. Great staff and especially Morris [il titolare].


Fitness tips and initiatives.

Our resources to guide you through the world of fitness and bodybuilding.

Agorà Gym Jesolo renews itself

March 31, 2023|0 Comments

Agorà Gym Jesolo renews itself, relaunches bodybuilding events and changes its appearance with a new graphic design and new workout machines.