, competition portal and bodybuilding information., competition portal and bodybuilding information.

Categories: Uncategorized-Published On: March 31, 2023-

What is is the reference site for athletes, enthusiasts, journalists and the curious who want to stay up-to-date on bodybuilding competitions taking place in Italy and involving athletes from the various federations.

The portal aims to promote knowledge of this sport that has its origins in millennia of human history. Thanks to its sections, offers a wide range of articles, information, services, photos and reports on competitions and the world that revolves around athletes, with the aim of fuelling curiosity and passion among spectators and newcomers to this discipline of bodybuilding.

AGORÀ GYM is a partner gym of for the promotion of events and the dissemination of bodybuilding culture in Italy.

The Bodybuilding competition calendar and competition information. is the brainchild of a group of communication experts who approached the world of bodybuilding at different times in their professional lives. They found in the sport values and ideals that attracted and captured their attention, resulting in a mixture of ethics, sport, interest and passion that fuels the portal.

GBB is a versatile and easy-to-use tool for all people with an interest in the world of national bodybuilding. Thanks to the site, athletes can discover the calendar of competitions of the different federations to which they can register according to their goals and commitments, avoiding wasting time searching for information on different sites and risking losing focus on the stages of their journey.

The site has several sections, including articles dedicated to bodybuilding, articles on the history of this sport, photographs of athletes and photo albums, and reports on competitions and events on the national competition calendar.

Enthusiasts, like the athletes, can browse GBB for information from the past and present and search the portal for pictures of athletes they have met at different events. Following the GBB portal allows you to find out in advance about competitions taking place in each Italian region and to discover the latest news and trends in the world of bodybuilding.

In summary, is the ideal portal for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of bodybuilding and stay up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming events at national level.

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